Swimming New Zealand are happy to announce that the selected provider for the new Swimming New Zealand membership database and websites (national, regional, club) will be APT Solutions.
APT are currently rolling out a similar platform with Swimming Australia and feedback to date has been very positive.
The first milestone for our transition will be the migration of the current data held in the Zeus database. Once this is complete, regions and clubs will play a key role in the testing and reviewing of the database, providing recommendations for development before it goes live.
Please ensure that you continue to use the current database (Zeus), updating information and adding new members into this system until the new database is fully operational and live.
Further details and timelines will be released in the coming weeks, along with a dedicated section on the SNZ website keeping you up to date with any developments.
The new membership database is very functional and user friendly, and the way it will integrate with the different websites (national, regional, club) allowing event entry, resource purchasing, membership renewals, and full integrations with Meet Manager is very impressive.
SNZ Events
Epic Swim
High Performance