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Database Toolbox

Swimming New Zealand has recently had an overhaul of the national database, moving to the new Stratum database. This is used to keep records of your membership details, meets, results and other important information.

Have fun exploring the new system and if you need any assistance feel free to contact info@swimming.org.nz where your details will be passed onto the appropriate person to assist you.

National Database Administrators Manual

Please find below relevant documents for club administrators using the SNZ database


How do I view a full list of my club's membership?
How do I view a full list of my club's members?
How can I export a full list of my members and their information?
How do I create a new member?
How do I link members together as families?
How do I add a single member to a group?
How do I approve a membership account?
How do I create a new membership type?
How do I lapse a member?
How do I edit the descriptions of my membership types?
How does a regional administrator download a membership list?
Membership renewal process for clubs
Opting out of online registrations.
Pre-setting the membership type for the next membership year
Sending a Membership Renewal Email

Adding Additional Information 

          How do I request a membership transfer to my club?
How do I approve a member transfer?


How do I set up a meet?

Entering swimmers into meets as club administrators.
Entering relays.
Qualifying Rules
Meet Eligibility Reports

How do I update my committee details to give them access to the database?
Sending reset password emails.
How do I edit members usernames and passwords?


How do I set up my clubs bank details and GST preference?
Setting club membership fees.
Discount packages.
Pro Rata Membership Fees.
Adding an accreditation.
How to ask officials to nominate themselves to officiate at a meet.
Online Meet Approval Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a look through this section if you have a question about the database, someone may have asked it previously. This section will continue to grow so if there isn't any information that covers your question let us know and we can add it.

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