Lausanne (SUI), January 17, 2013 - Representatives from the National Federations/Cities of China (city to be confirmed), Hungary/Budapest, Japan/Tokyo and Korea/Gwangju were on January 16, 2013 in Lausanne (SUI) for an informative meeting on the bidding procedure for the FINA World Championships in 2019, and possibly 2021.
These four potential bidders will now have until April 4, 2013 to present a formal bid to the organisation of FINA’s major event, while the FINA Bureau will announce the host(s) on July 19, 2013 prior to the start of the 15th FINA World Championships in Barcelona, Spain.
These four National Federations/Cities were briefed on the milestones for this bid, and were informed on the main aspects related to the organisation of the FINA World Championships: budget, economic impact and legacy, venues, accommodation and transportation plan, TV (Host Broadcaster) and media operations, marketing and promotion, social and cultural programmes. Dentsu, FINA’s marketing agent, presented the sponsoring opportunities related with the championships and the working procedure between FINA and the Organising Committee in order to achieve the best possible outcome. Two of FINA’s official partners – Myrtha Pools and Omega – joined the participants to inform them about the services they provide.
Finally, the upcoming organisers of the FINA World Championships – Barcelona, Spain, in 2013, and Kazan, Russia, in 2015 - presented a short report on the preparation and challenges connected with the staging of this major event. From the 2015 edition onwards the FINA World Championships will be immediately followed by the FINA World Masters Championships, to be held in the same location and venues.
“A successful bid will be the one that better symbolises the FINA winning strategy of organising its World Championships in a prestigious location, with superb facilities and capable of generating a true social event. That is why we call our FINA World Championships ‘Aquatic Festivals’. Together with the sportive part of it, we want to create an unforgettable experience for the entire city hosting the competition. The joint organisation of the FINA World Masters Championships will add value to this impact and legacy”, considered FINA Executive Director Cornel Marculescu, who chaired the meeting.
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