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Titahi Bay North School Makes Waves

Titahi Bay North Students have all made significant progress and have enjoyed their time in the water.

Their lessons were extra beneficial this year as two of their school teachers were in the water each day to help with groups that were swimming.  

All of the school teachers attended a State Kiwi Swim Safe professional development workshop, and put all of their newly learnt skills into action whilst at the pool. There was a lot of excellent teaching, and the students were thriving in the water with their teachers supporting them.  

With help from the comprehensive State Kiwi Swim Safe teacher resources, the teachers were able to follow basic step by step progressions to help their students to learn and further develop their swimming and water safety skills.  

Sarah Gibbison (Swim Safe Advisor) had the pleasure of seeing the lessons in action and was really impressed to see the school teachers taking a proactive approach to their student’s learning.  

“I think the kids were willing to try new things as their teachers were in the water learning with them, which gave them the confidence to have a go without the fear of failure. It was so great to see the professional development model working so well, and both the students and the teachers enjoying their time in the water”  

Well done to Titahi Bay North School for completing another successful series of lessons. We look forward to continuing to work with you in 2013.