Swimming New Zealand homepage

The start of something extraordinary


Membership Type

When joining the club throught the 'Join Now!' button, swimmers are asked to identify whether they are a competitive swimmer or a club swimmer.

Whats the difference?

Club swimmers can compete at imterclub swim meets (but not regional or national swim meets.) They may also compete at interclub or regional events in a relay if permitted to do so by the Club or Swimming Bay of Plenty.

Swimmers in the Club's Junior Development Squad should select the "club swimmer' option.

Competitive swimmers can compete at interclub, regional or national swim meets.

Note: Competitive swimmers must pay the annual Swimming New Zealand affiliation fee. This covers the year 1 July - 30 June. For more information on the SNZ affiliation fee, contact mtswimrecorder@gmail.com

The conditions of joining as an affiliate member can be found here