Swimming New Zealand homepage

The start of something extraordinary

Travel Policy

Travel Policy


  1.             Away meets - a budget of $100-120 per swimmer per night (excluding flights) - parents need to be awareof


  1.             Benprovideslistoftargetmeetsandtheireligibleswimmers


  1.             Investigate accommodation and traveloptions


  1.             Expression of interests fromparents/swimmers


  1.             Depositof$100fromswimmerstosecureplaceandpossiblefunding


  1.             Funding application based onabove


  1.             Only swimmers who paid the deposit will be eligible for any funding received. If the money has not been deposited at this time, then when the Club receives money for funding of the meet from the various charities, which is divided up for the swimmers attending, then no funding money will go to yourswimmer.


  1.             If the swimmer pulls out for some reason after committing to a certain meet and [the final cost of the trip/booking confirmation] is advised, the said swimmer will still have to pay for his/her portion of accommodation and transport - unless he/she finds a replacement swimmer.


  1.             The Club does not have the financial reserves to pay for travel costs before the swimmer has paid theircontribution.