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The start of something extraordinary

Student teachers take part in Kiwi Swim Safe workshop

Ten student teachers from Te Wanaga o Aotearoa Glenveiw are learning what it’s like to do basic swimming skills in the water.

The student teachers are about to embark on the final leg of their journey to become fully fledged school teachers after they recently attended a Kiwi Swim Safe workshop.

Most of the group had recreated around the water for much of their lives, some learning to swim but most developing their own style of swimming for survival purposes.

The day was full of anecdotes about their own experiences already in teaching children at the school pool.

Every participant engaged fully in the course and revelled in the new knowledge they were being taught.

Young Maori have in the past been over represented in New Zealand’s drowning statistics and the course participants hope to make a difference to this statistic.