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The start of something extraordinary

Swim Rotorua Scholarships:


Keep Safe. Keep Swimming. Have Fun!


To be safe in the water your child needs to be able to comfortably swim at least 200 metres.  The Water Safety Council states “research from 2010 showed us that 80 per cent of 12 year olds could not swim well enough to save themselves.” A frightening statistic. Everyone should learn to swim well.

Swim Rotorua is committed to increasing the accessibility of swimming in Rotorua. We have set up a scholarship Fund to help families cover their swimming costs if they would otherwise struggle. In 2017-2018 season this has continued to flourish. In return reciepient familes are encouraged to help the club out at competitions, Splash Nights and catereing provisions at major swim meets held in Rotorua. This fund is overseen, and applications considered, by a Sub-Committee


If you can swim 25 metres in freestyle and backstroke you can swim with us! We would love it if you could join us!  We cater for all levels, different ages, non-competitive and competitive swimmers, right up to national medallists. We have a great team atmosphere, a Head Coach of international standing and optional twice a term Splash Nights too.


Talk to your coach or contact us at swimrotoruaadmin@gmail.com Applications treated in confidence.


Excel with Swim Rotorua