SNZ Gold Accredited coaches are leaders in swim coaching; they are able to structure a performance environment that allows progression from NZ Open to international level competitions and they consistently produce ‘performing’ swimmers at an open level. A Gold Coach is an excellent manager who is innovative in coaching practice and will tailor their environment to achieve results. Gold Coaches not only utilise the services of experts to advance the swimmers in their care, they are called on by SNZ and NZSCTA to deliver coach education workshops, clinics and seminars to NZ swim coaches.
Criteria for Performance, Learning and Leadership are sought from applicants. Detailed information can be found within the application form on the bottom of this page.
Corresponding resource: N/A
NZSCAT membership, Silver Accreditation or equivalent
Application for SNZ Gold Accreditation
Information and Application for SNZ Gold Accreditation
Any questions in regards to the Gold Accreditation should be in the first instance directed to Donna Bouzaid (National Coaching Director) at
SNZ Events
Epic Swim
High Performance