If you have previous SNZ, ascta or ASA coaching qualifications you can transition into the new coaching accreditation framework by recognition of your qualifications.
If you have some or none of these qualifications and want to use your experience and/or other qualifications you will need to use Recognition of Prior Learning. Request an RPL information pack. In brief:
RPL is a process that allows the skills, knowledge and experience a person has already gained to be recognised for qualifications. If you are currently involved in coaching and you already have extensive coaching skills, knowledge and experience, you may apply to SNZ for RPL rather than attending an SNZ course and completing the assessment requirements.
RPL is also the option for you if you wish to be credited for overseas qualifications or qualifications from external providers.
SNZ Coaching Qualification Conversion Chart
For previous SNZ, ASA or ascta coaching qualifications. Please note, conversions to Silver Accreditation is not yet available.
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