Swimming New Zealand homepage

The start of something extraordinary

University Information

This area contains information on Universities around New Zealand including available training facilities, scholarships, and courses they provide so that swimmers can make informed decisions about what university fits their needs in furthering their education and swimming aspirations.

AUT University

AUT Supports athletes with an athlete support advisor to assist athletes to combine sporting goals with education, career and other life aspirations. This is to encourage athletes to succeed both on and off the sporting stage.

Massey University

Massey University was named the first "Athlete Friendly University" by High Performance Sport New Zealand.

Victoria University

A Victoria degree is a world-class degree. Our reputation attracts the very best staff and students from around the world. Come and be part of a truly international community right in the heart of our thriving capital city.

Waikato University

Waikato University has a broad range of degrees and a flexible structure so you can build a degree to suit your interests and career plans. The University of Waikato supports athletes on Prime Ministers Scholarships and the Pathway to Podium Programme. They also provide the Sir Edmund Hilary Scholarship Programme for athletes.