Swimming New Zealand homepage

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Bath Time

There are plenty of ways to enjoy the water in the bath. Try filling cups with water and using them as little shower buckets. Try wetting different parts of the body, talking about them as you go along. Talk about the cups being full or empty, heavy or light and ask what colours they are. These are all great ways to support body recognition and language development while enjoying bath time.

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Wheels on the Bus

Looking for ways to build your child's water confidence whilst singing a song? Wheels on the bus is a great way to get your child moving through the water, jumping up and down, blowing some bubbles and splashing.

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Salmon Says

A great game to play to build confidence in the water is Salmon Says. Salmon Says run around, Salmon Says wash your face, Salmon Says get your ears wet, Salmon Says blow some bubbles.

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Rolling through the Hoop

Hoops can be used in a variety of different ways for different skills. Try placing it on top of the water and encourage beginners to lean forward and blow bubbles in it. Or older swimmers can swim under water and surface in the middle of it and jump out of it horizontally (helps with Butterfly undulation). Or with supervision, children can jump into it from standing on the poolside. All these exercises help with confidence, co-ordination, vestibular and proprioception.

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Pool Noodle Handlebars

Tying a noddle in a knot makes great 'handlebars' and is a good progression from having the noodle under the arms. It encourages independence from the noodle while still giving support. It also enables swimmers to feel the water and how to balance in it.

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Coloured Buckets & Toys

Can you put the yellow ball in the yellow bucket? A great activity for children to develop their language skills and learn colours alongside improving confidence in the water and crossing midlines too.

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Floating Ducks

Cut a duck or animal from an ice cream lid and cut some sponges/noodles into flower/circle shapes. Make a small slit in your sponge/noodle and glue your duck into it (water proof glue works best). As the sponge absorbs the water the ducks begin to submerge. The aim of the game is to collect the ducks before they sink.

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Active Parent Involvement

Spending time in the water with your child is a great way to bond with your child. Holding them, talking to them about the water and playing with them will help them to see the water positively, have lots of fun and it's a great way to get fit too!

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Bathtime Toys

Toys in the bath are great for eye tracking, eye hand co-ordination and developing fine motor skills.

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Invisible Bottle Find

Fill a clear water bottle with water so that it sinks and have two teams of children all trying to find it. This is a great way to work on submersion, breathe control, floating, gliding and kicking – a game for all levels!

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